Plus Feutrine

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New Member
Anjos por le Noel.


Une plus, une port clé.
Pardon , je ne parle pas français....

Dernière modification par un modérateur:

There are so cute !!!!

Where did you get the pattern ?

Could you share it with us ;o)) !

Thanks by advance.

The angels are here on this blog (this is a very good blog whith lots od patterns)

Of the lion i dónt have de pattern, but you could print my photo e made the pattern yourself, is very esay.

Kissis, beijinhos

Thanks a lot for the link, Luar ;o)

Regarding the lion, I thought doing as you say, but it is for the mane (hair, or "la crinière", in french) that I got a problem. No matter.

It's nice to you ;o).

Obrigado !!

Bisous !

You d'ont know comment faire lá crinière, cést ça?


Oui c'est ça.

I am going to take your advice. I understood everything you told ;o))

Congratulations for your "marionnette de Minnie" !! She is small, for fingers.
Fun to tell stories to the children ;o))

Bisous !!

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