Bonjour from Germany


New Member
Bonjour - and unfortunatly this is almost everything I dare to write "en francais". I hope that it's okay to write in english because my last french school lesson was almost 40 years ago and my teacher did not have a lot of fun with me.
As I have to read, write and talk in english every day I prefer to write in english in this forum - and I am VERY thankful to have the option to read in english as well.

I started beading again after many years without time for this hobby. As techniques and materials are far more advanced (and exciting) meanwhile I am of course eager to read and explore forums. The german forum Perlentausch guided me here and I spent the night with browsing your amazing works.

What else... I am 54 years old, live in Eastern Westfalia and spend my working time with computer graphics and -art, 3D-modelling and -texturing. A creative job, indeed, but you can't touch the result. So I longed for something physical for my spare time. In other words: I am a pure hobbyist beader but nevertheless enjoy to create jewellery with tiny beads (the smaller, the better), threads, needle and from time to time with the Kumihimo disk.