Bague Eclipse - peyote

Hi Francesca,
I think there is a little missunderstanding. I don't want to have the whole pattern in english there is just one point I don't understand and want to ask. And I also know that it is very generous of Elphaine to share this pattern.
I didn't know that it's forbidden to ask for help in this forum. So I'm sorry that I made this fault and I will never ask again.
I indeed confirm there is a misunderstanding. :mdrrrr:

You can always ask, but if you had just a question to ask me, you could have sent me an MP (Message Privé, ie. private message). I am always glad to help and do appreciate you like my work. I also appreciate all you comment (thanks to all !!!)

so Francesca did react the same way she does with all the persons who ask for a translation: she apologizes and says that this cannot be asked. She surely did not know you hadn't tried the "Private Message". She would not have written this if you had asked something specific in your request.

This place is a place of exchange of information, so asking is always possible. I will try to answer if I can.

Happy beading.